Hello Ladies,
Something to share with you - yes you, you, you and you pretty ladies!
I've made this for my beloved mom.
Since she'll be going to Mecca this July, I plan to surprise her with something handmade with lots of TLC-ish. :)
Jubah is something I could think of apart from bags and tudungs for her.
I plan to make few jubah for her, but for the above jubah, I've used McCalls 6102 pattern.

I improvised pattern no.3 a little bit - make the length and sleeves longer.
And I must say that this pattern is super easy - no zipper needed.
It says 1 hour dress - and that actually refers to the sewing time.
It took me like a day and a half to get it done, from pattern cutting to sewing.
And I take 5, every now and then - to take care other stuffs. :)
So, there you go.
Hope I've answered your questions regarding my sewing patterns.
I've used it - and I love it.
I used to make jubah from scratch - body measurement, transfer it fabric bla bla bla....
but with sewing patterns like this - it makes jubah making easier and simpler.
Of course the original pattern is not jubah per se, but a little bit of creativity is all you need to transform it to jubah / long maxi dress.
Oh, and the fabric I used for my mom's jubah is from Michael Miller - Midnight Mums.
Got it from a local store here.
The price is o.k.
McCalls patterns will be on sale from April 22 - April 25, 2010.Kindly check
McCalls website, get your patterns and email me the codes and sizes.
And voila! you are all set.
Price : RM15.00 per patternPostage:12 patterns : RM75.008-9 patterns : RM42.00 (flat rate envelope)3-4 patterns : RM32.001-2 patterns : RM12.00So ladies, if you have questions, kindly email me at
lynn.amalina@gmail.comHave a beautiful, beautiful day, pretty!!